Intercraft - A bridge between traditional knowings and cultures is an Erasmus+ ΚΑ2 project that aims to promote social inclusion, innovation, and intercultural dialogue with a new training path that can map and enhance the craft skills of migrants, social workers, and local artisans, relating them to craft knowledge of EU host territories. In order to achieve this it will develop a new training methodology to enhance the skills of migrants, social/youth workers, and the local art sector.

- INTERCRAFT atlas map: mapping and analysis of the social enterprises present on the national territory of the partner countries involved in the project, as well as at the EU, in which intercultural craft practices are activated according to sustainable circular economy practices.
- Joint curriculum: Designing an innovative joint curriculum that allows the learning of soft, digital, and green skills for three different, but intertwined, target groups (young migrant people, local artisans, social workers).
- Training kit: a Pilot Action will constitute a crucial action for the test of the joint curriculum designed, by collecting qualitative and quantitative data on the experience of the participating key target groups. The pilot action will be monitored and will lead to the creation of a training kit.
- Digital Tool: the structure design and creation of a Digital Tool, intended as a digital space social platform for sharing the material provided and produced during the previous stages.

Terra di Tutti is a social enterprise based in Capannori (Tuscany) and founded by Cooperativa Sociale Odissea in December 2018 with four main aims:
CIRCULAR ECONOMY → Using waste materials and transforming them into artisanal products.
ASYLUM SEEKERS, MIGRANTS AND REFUGEES’ WORK INCLUSION → Creating job placement for the migrants, asylum seekers and refugees involved in the projects.
INTERCULTURAL CRAFT → Enhancing and developing the craft skills of refugees, by linking them to the local traditional skills.
SUPPORT TO THE LOCAL CRAFTMANSHIP → Rediscovering and supporting the local artisanal knowings and competencies which are being lost due to an inadequate generational turnover. To achieve these goals, Terra di Tutti arranges several workshops to involve local citizens, artisans, people with fewer opportunities, migrants, and refugees in different projects about tailoring, printing, serigraphy, and carpentry. Connecting people from different countries and cultures, and facilitating them in deep intercultural dialogue, the social enterprise intends to support the creation of bridges between craft skills, knowledge, and competencies.

Odyssea is a nonprofit organization that supports young vulnerable people to have access to employment opportunities in society. We provide tailored vocational and life-skills training combined with employability services that bridge young people with the world of work.
Our vision is to build a world where all young people thrive by realizing their full potential.
Our mission is to ensure that young people have equal opportunities in society by harnessing the power of knowledge for employment and personal development.

The University of Florence is an important centre for research and higher education in Italy, with 1,800 lecturers and internal research staff, 1,600 technical staff, and over 1,600 researchers and PhD students. It offers a wide range of study programmes in all areas of knowledge. It is one of the largest and most productive public research systems in Italy. This result is accomplished thanks to the number of permanent and temporary researchers working in a wide range of disciplinary and scientific fields, and the numerous junior scientists in training. It is also due to an intensive participation in research programmes of national and international relevance and to the significant scientific results achieved. External funds support the research and knowledge transfer activities.

ELISAVA Barcelona Design and Engineering school acts as a Design Hub with a network of students, alumni, industry and organizations and cultural design stakeholders since 1961. It offers Design and Industrial design engineering graduate degrees as well as 22 Master and postgraduate studies in the product, interior, graphic, interaction and communication fields, with over 2.000 students every year. Pompeu Fabra University delegates the competences regarding the development of the curricula to all of their affiliated centres and therefore ELISAVA can develop and apply changes to the curricula of its official degrees.

CSM is a consortium association operating in Tuscany in home interiors, furniture, interior furnishing, RV (recreational vehicles) interiors, yachting interiors and related sectors. It was established in 1982 to offer local businesses support in terms of innovation, promotion and professional training. CSM is leader of dID-TECHNOLOGICAL CLUSTER ON INTERIORS (living environments); DESIGN is a technological cluster located in Tuscany (Italy) whose activities are mainly aimed at : – technology transfer from research facilities to participating companies,- sharing of knowledge among the companies of the district, – searching for sources of funding both public and private, – the creation of international partnerships with innovative clusters, – the construction of strategic innovation project paths aimed at increasing the competitiveness of the member companies. dID operates in the intermediation between demand (manufacturing companies) and offer (research bodies, research infrastructures, professionals) of innovation for the development of projects for the individual company or systems of companies in terms of product, process and market innovation.

Terra Vera NGO develops opportunities for interpersonal solidarity, integration, care for the environment and ethical economy. They foster the development of human potential in the field of sustainable management in rural areas, the social inclusion of vulnerable groups (especially refugees, migrants, Roma, unemployed youth, rural women) and cultural and ethnic minorities, the creation of new forms of cooperation and interest of integration between people and contributing to a higher quality of life in local communities. They develop innovative programs in the field of sustainable management, non formal learning, social inclusion, media education, craft and ethical entrepreneurship.

CENFIM is a Furnishings Cluster and Innovation Hub, non-profit private organisation focused on wood, furniture and home interiors sectors. Employees are located in 3 offices (La Sénia, Madrid, Barcelona). It was created in 2006 by business demand. CENFIM’s main objective is to promote home interiors companies’ competitiveness by innovation, training and marketing activities. It has 150 affiliated companies, including home interiors products manufacturers, retailers and auxiliary industries motivated by innovation from furniture, home textiles, lighting, bath, paving and other sectors. It has a total outreach of more than 2.600 companies across Spain and many other entities across the EU.