The problem
Our country holds the highest youth unemployment rate and one of the highest in-work poverty rates in Europe.
Young people with low levels of education, limited job experience, lack of basic skills, and access to training, are therefore trapped in unemployment.
The humanitarian donor financing system is overstretched and unsustainable, while also fails to effectively address the development needs to increase resilience, help people lift themselves out of poverty, and ensure dignified lives.
- 28% youth unemployment
- 29% reduced investment in education
- 500% increase in the gap between costs and revenues in the humanitarian sector
The Solution
Support young vulnerable people in the best way possible by implementing a holistic approach to assist equally both unemployed Greeks and guest communities integrate into society. The model is built upon 3 equally important main services:
- Orientation
- Vocational training
- Employability services
The project is an example in the humanitarian sector, as it commits to return 50% of its costs to society through collaboration with recruitment companies, looking to involve more stakeholders in the ecosystem.
Youth Employment and Poverty Reduction
Strengthening Humanitarian Sector Sustainability
Enhancing Education and Skills Development
Building Resilience and Dignity